What is domestic building work?
Domestic building work encompasses most work involving the construction of a home. This includes any landscaping, paving and the construction of any building or fixture with the home (e.g. retaining structures, driveways, fencing, garages, carports, workshops, swimming pools or spas) and the supply of lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, water supply, sewerage and drainage to the home.
Domestic building work also extends to the renovation, alteration, extension or improvement or repair of a home, including any site works related to this work. Domestic building work also included the preparation of plans or specifications for the carrying out of the work referred to above.
Whenever a builder is doing domestic building work for an owner and the job value is more than $10 000, the builder must be a registered building practitioner (i.e. DB-M, DB-U or DB-L) and execute a major domestic building contract with the owner. Examples of conforming major domestic building contracts are: the New Homes Contract (HC-7), Home Improvements Contract (HIC-6), Domestic Cost Plus Contract (DCP-2), Minor Works Contract (MW-2), and the Australian Building Industry Contract Simple & Major Works Contracts – ABIC SW (Housing) 2018 and ABIC MW (Housing) 2018.
Can an unregistered person do domestic building work on a job valued at more than $10,000? Unregistered persons may not carry out any building work. There are some, very limited, exceptions to this rule:
1. No registration is needed whenever a person is a subcontractor to a registered building practitioner.
2. A builder who is solely engaged in the business of carrying out domestic building work if the cost of the domestic building work carried out by that person is $10,000 or less, in each case. (But a demolisher and a reblocker must be registered for all work, even less than $10,000).
Note: it is unclear what happens if there is more than one such ‘person’ carrying out work on the same project, and the total exceeds $10,000.3. Building work as otherwise excepted under r7-9 of the Domestic Building Contracts Regulations 2017.
Can a builder contract to do domestic building work on a cost plus basis?
Cost plus means that the builder charges a fixed price (being the actual cost of the works) plus a fee (based on a fixed amount or percentage or a combination of both), on an agreed basis for his work. There are restrictions on when a builder can use a cost plus agreement for domestic building work and penalties exist for infringing these restrictions.
Essentially, a builder is not permitted to enter into a domestic cost plus arrangement unless:
1. The reasonable estimate of the cost of the job is $1,000,000 or greater; or
2. The work to be carried out under the contract involves renovation, restoration or refurbishment of an existing building and it is not possible to calculate the cost of a substantial part of the work without carrying out some domestic building work.
For number 2 to apply, you must be able to show that a substantial proportion of the work could not be costed before commencing works. This does not mean that the work is difficult to price, but almost impossible. Therefore before using 2, we recommend that you first seek independent legal advice, as penalties for non conformance may apply.
Master Builders has a Domestic Cost Plus Contract (DCP-2). Please call (03) 9411 4555 or visit our products for more information.
What do the builder’s implied warranties mean?
The Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 states that every builder who enters into a domestic building contract provides the following implied warranties to the owner:
1. All work will be carried out in a proper and workmanlike manner.
2. All work will be carried out in accordance with the plans and specifications set out in the contract.
3. All materials to be supplied by the builder will be good and suitable for their intended purpose and that unless otherwise stated the materials will be new.
4. All work will comply with all laws and legal requirements.
5. The work will be carried out with reasonable care and skill.
6. The home will be suitable for occupation at the time the work is completed.
The builder should assess every claim of defective building work on its merits and determine whether they are actually responsible. Any claim for defective work will ordinarily be against the builder. Where it involves workmanship by their subcontractors, the builder may accordingly seek compensation from the relevant subcontractor.
How should a builder deal with variations?
Variation payments are strictly dealt with by the domestic building legislation and there are requirements which must be satisfied. Either the owner or the builder may request a variation to the building contract.
Standard form contracts set out the required procedures for dealing with these types of variations.
What are Prime Cost Items and Provisional Sums?
Prime Costs and Provisional Sums are slightly different concepts. However, they both require the builder to use reasonable care and skill when providing allowances for them in their contracts.
Prime Cost Items (PCs) are an item (e.g. a fixture or fitting such as a basin or light fitting) that has not been selected, or whose price is unknown when the contract is entered into. It covers the cost of supply and delivery by the builder.
Provisional Sums (PS) means an estimate of the cost of carrying out particular work (including the cost of supplying any materials needed for the work such as landscaping) under the contract for which the builder, after making reasonable enquiries, cannot give a definite amount when the contract is entered into.
For both Provisional Sums and Prime Cost Items, the builder should complete the information that is required in the PS and PC schedules of the Appendix in the contract. The builder needs to complete the information that includes a description of the item, estimate of the quantities required, estimate of the allowance per item and the builder’s percentage margin on excess.
It is important to note that the builder must supply all invoices, receipts and other documents to the owner as soon as practicable after receiving the invoice, receipt or documents. Failure to comply may lead to substantial penalties for the builder.
What is an owner builder?
An owner builder is a natural person who constructs or renovates his or her own home on his or her own land. Since June 2016 owner builders may only obtain building permits if:
1. They first obtain Certificate of Consent from the Victorian Building Authority.
2. They ensure they read, understand and fully comply with all of their legal obligations and responsibilities including workplace safety and public safety at the site. The owner builder also needs to comply with the domestic building legislation which includes the Building Act 1993 and the Building Regulations 2018. The owner builder might also need to take out insurance for protection works against an adjoining property.
3. They may only obtain building permits for a single dwelling on a single property and only once in any five year period.
Where owner builders engage contractors to do work for them, they remain responsible for managing the site and ensuring that all mandatory inspections are carried out in accordance with the laws. The owner-builder also needs to fulfil the following contractual requirements:
1. Engage a registered building practitioner for all work over $10,000 (unless it is only one of the exempt single trades).
2. Enter into a major domestic building contract for all building work more than $10,000.
3. Ensure the registered building practitioner has warranty insurance cover for all work when it is more than $16,000.
4. If the owner builder sells the property within 6.5 years after the date of the occupancy permit or the certificate of final inspection then they need to obtain a technical owner-builder inspection report that identifies defects. In addition, the owner builder needs to provide the purchaser with the requisite statutory warranty insurance if they sell the home within 6.5 years. It is an offence to sell a building without the required report and insurance
What is defective building work?
Defective building work is defined by the domestic building legislation as:
1. A breach of any of the builder’s implied warranties; or
2. A failure to maintain the standard or quality of work specified in the contract.
If an alleged defect falls within one of the above categories and is notified to the builder within ten (10) years, then from the date of Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Final Inspection the builder will be responsible for rectifying the defect and any consequential damage.
Failure by the builder to fulfil their obligations may mean that the owner may be able to lodge an application with the DBDRV or if this does not resolve the dispute, bring an action in VCAT.
What should you do if you receive a letter from a lawyer, court or tribunal, insurance company, Victorian Building Authority or Consumer Affairs Victoria?
If you receive anything in writing from any of these organisations then DO NOT IGNORE IT. In almost every instance there will be a ‘legal clock' running, and if you fail to respond within the required time, then you might miss your opportunities to defend yourself. It is also important to respond promptly, so that you are not regarded as having accepted the contents of the letter or document.
Therefore, you should always obtain professional advice if you are unfamiliar or unsure about the contents of the letter or document.
How much deposit can a builder charge?
If the contract price is $20,000 or greater, then the builder is entitled to no more than 5 per cent deposit. If the contract price is less than $20,000 then a maximum deposit of 10 per cent is allowed.
Failure to comply may mean that the owner can avoid the contract at anytime before completion, seek a full refund of some or all money paid as well as the builder receiving a penalty.
Sources: Legal FAQs |